Welcome To Our Space:
We appreciate your time to check out our site, please excuse our appearance, some of the website is still under construction. Nonetheless, welcome to the website of THE LEVERAGE COMMISSION, a Non-Profit 501c(3) corp. dedicated to the mass improvements of the overall lack-luster conditions of some of our over-looked and, in some cases, forgotten communities. We will strategically implement leverage to address and remedy a multitude of issues and lack of services, negatively impacting our communities and its residents, including violence, housing, youth development, jobs & job training, votes-with-no-voice , as well as others.
Please view our "MISSION STATEMENT" below, where our vision is spelled out in greater detail.
If a community lacks adequate funding, education, housing, food, quality food markets, jobs and other vital resources, then the opportunity for that community to thrive is greatly diminished and its chances of falling into an oppressed state is greatly increased to the point where general "Quality-of-life" issues become "Life & Death" issues. Our goal is to recognize & remedy some of the ills that plague our communities and give its residents the opportunity to thrive. However, in order to fulfill this vision, The Leverage Commission needs the residents to embrace what we call the following:

About Us:
We are "THE LEVERAGE COMMISSION, Inc.", a Non-Profit / 501c(3), grass-roots, community uplifting & advocating, conflict resolution, and anti-violence organization born & based out of the 8th Council District of Philadelphia. The 8th Council District is located in the Northwest section of the city and some of its neighborhoods include east & west Germantown, Tioga, parts of north Philly, Mt. Airy, & Oak lane. Some of you might know these areas as Sommerville, Brickyard, Pulaski-town, The Bottom, &/or Topside, to name a few; none-the-less, they all are in the 8th district. Later on, we will show you the significance of the 8th district and just how much leverage you really have, but may not have realized.
We are proud to say that nearly all of our founding members & officers have deep roots in the 8th district whether its where were born & raised, attended school (Germantown, King, Central, Ada Lewis, etc.), business & family ties, coaching basketball and other activities, & etc. And just to keep it "100", some of us raised some hell and are atoning for those misdeeds and irresponsible behaviors.
Even though we are rooted in the 8th, we do not limit ourselves to just the 8th. This just happens to be our "Ground Zero" and if you notice the map to the right, it is the 8th Council District map outlined in red, you can click-on-it to see an enlarged version.
We believe that the true heartbeat of Philadelphia is its residents and our mission is to empower, uplift, inform, and educate its residents so that collectively we can start to transform our neighborhoods, especially some of the more economically depressed and quality-of-life deprived communities, into communities where we can be proud to call home and safe for our children. We’ll work with our residents, city leaders, other like-minded businesses, non-profits, and justice system officials in developing holistic and strategic plans and provide leadership to address and change the narrative and landscape in our neighborhoods.
Bottom line, we have a lot of work to do and a ton of heavy lifting to transform our neighborhoods by addressing a myriad of concerns including crime, abandon houses, neglected alleyways, blight, trash , jobs & training , youth and ex-offender services just to name a few.
Also realizing that these items do not occur in a vacuum, they all are directly or indirectly connected and have a direct impact on everybody’s overall quality of life and we will utilize leverage wherever it can be applied to solve, reduce, &/or mitigate as many as these issues as we can.


The Blueprint / Our Mission, Vision, & Core Value Statements:
(a) THE LEVERAGE COMMISSION INC is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to be a catalyst the change that allows for the growth and development of a sustainable, thriving, safe, positive and progressive community and its residents.
(a) To provide the leadership necessary to empower residents to feel safe making decisions in the community, changing the landscape of how we view our responsibility to the community.
(b) To Establish safe, attractive and uplifting places for citizens to congregate, socialize and learn
(c) To increase the value of community unity, camaraderie, and a collective attitude of respect as neighbors, that can be mirrored as an example through the country
(d) To build strong families, employment opportunities, and community support.
(e) To foster the ideas of the community’s responsibility in investing into the growth, training and development of its youth.
(f) To foster empowering ideas for building the quality of life for the residents of the community.
Section 1.03 VALUE STATEMENT :
THE LEVERAGE COMMISSION INC believes “empowerment” is an integral part of and building up residents within a community. As such, all residents should have the opportunity to participate in the growth and development of the community. This concentration on participation will encourage positive community citizenship, growth and achievement, unity, self-efficacy, and pride in all its citizens.
THE LEVERAGE COMMISSION INC believes to “ strengthen and transform” the community as a whole (which includes its residents both individual and collectively) we must promote the concepts of positive relations, integrity, and support between ALL of the stakeholders within the community (businesses, residents, community leaders, other non-profits, etc). These priorities advance the highest principles of character, trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, fairness, caring, and good citizenship.